Monday, March 16, 2009

When Wal-Mart calls

It's a sign of the times... My daughter has been unemployed since just before Christmas. Long story short... She put in her two weeks notice at her job because of a better opportunity at another job. Due to the "economic downturn" her offer was rescinded. Her old job had already replaced her so she was left jobless. Four months later she is still in search of a job. Unemployment denied her because she "willingly" left her job. No, not willingly... she tried to stay at her place of employment but was told she had been replaced.

So..... a single mother of 3 has no job and no unemployment. She's applied at many places she was qualified for, but the job market is fierce right now (trust me I know). So she began applying at places she really doesn't want to work, but she's got to feed her family and hang on to some kind of dignity. She called me crying from the state aid office saying "Mom, I'm no supposed to be here". My heart wrenched. All I could do was cry with her and tell her that things would get better. Maybe it's a sign of better things to come for you? When one door closes another always opens? Well... Wal-Mart called her for an interview today. Not quite the automatic door she had in mind. When you leave one job to better yourself, you expect for things to get better. Not that Wal-Mart is a bad place to work... It may be great, but it's a sign of the times when you say "Oh gawd, Wal-Mart called today".

1 comment:

  1. Tell her good luck from me. That sucks, so I hope it all works out.
