Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It was a full moon... or was it full mooning?

Ya know.... Every day that you live brings a little something into your life. Not just another day of living, but the knowledge that if you weren't here, you would have missed it.

I got a text message from my 7 year old granddaughter (yes she has a cell phone) today saying that her sister (9) was going to kill her. Immediately my thoughts went to "What did you do?", but instead I asked her "Why do you say that?". Her reply was "because she said she was going to". Oh ok.. that clears it all up. Snickering I texted back... "Why is she going to kill you?" Again I get... because she said she was going to. I'm pretty sure she touched something or said something that prompted the threat, but I never got the 411. Before you start to panic, these are just normal sisters threatening each others lives. No gang activity here. I'm an only child so I never had the "pleasure" of feeling the wrath of a sibling, but I must say after having 3 children of my own and 3 grandchildren, I'm sure I have missed something major in my life.

I'm even more sure after learning of my 28 year old daughter's adventures tonight. I must admit I have always longed for a sibling. Preferably and older brother but unless my parent's learned the secrets of time travel, it wasn't an option for me. On to the adventure. I have twin daughters. Identical in looks, but quite the opposites when it comes to personalities, but tonight I think they actually bonded in a way that only sisters can. I've done some crazy things in my life (and had a blast doing them) but my daughters have never really seemed to step out onto the "wild side" together until tonight. I'm not sure what would possess someone to do this (other than maybe their cousin) but my daughters decided it would be appropriate to moon the patrons of well known shopping establishment's parking lot.

Ahh yes. Pride sets in as I picture one driving the "get away car" and the other's ass hanging out the window along with their "not so timid" cousin's. I then begin to picture the little old ladies with their social security checks in hand making their way across the parking lot. Little old men holding their arms to steady their steps... For a brief moment they are frozen in time as two bare asses whiz by. Perhaps there were a few young men that appreciated the sight and could only hope that such a sight would be repeated over and over again.

There is a part of me that says "Woo hoo!" those are my girls living life to the fullest... having fun. (Wishing they had invited me!) Then there's the other part that prays no one took down their license plate number.

The point to this post in my blog is that no matter how down I may feel, I live for moments like this. Am I proud of my daughters? You betcha!

1 comment:

  1. HA HA! At least they have enough faith in you to tell you that they did it! I bet you can wait to tell that story at the next get together.
